Monday, July 20, 2009

2009 Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk there DutchNine fans. I have found a new creative side. I went on the 2nd Annual World Wide Photowalk this weekend. Basically there were over 30,000 people participating in this worldwide Photowalk in over 900 cities. The rules were just take a 2 hour walk around your city and take pictures…pictures of anything you wanted. It really made you walk slow and look at everything to see the details of a tire, a stack of books, a man relaxing on a bench, or a bee landing on a sunflower. Stuff like that I really never think about. I really enjoyed it. I think I got some good shots, I don’t think I am going to win the contest, but don’t care about that much THIS TIME!

4th of July and a long day!

Here is the aftermath of the busy 4th of July. The kids were worn out
from playing on the beach in Seattle. Don't they look so comfy don't

(Kendall and Cody)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I really like the 4th of July and why not put the two together. I tried taking fireworks last year and it turned out ok...nothing spectacular just ok. I read up and looked at tons of firework photography. I learned that I need to try and get a landmark or something else in the photo other than just black sky and a big firework.

I think I got the perfect shot!!

Blogging is supposed to be fun?

Sorry 'fans' I haven't blogged in a while. I am not sure if I could call myself a blogger really. I mean I blog once every 6 months. I have every intention to blog, but never seem to have the time. I mean I am on my laptop at night just about every night. I can't spend 15 minutes writing a short blog? Well I am going to try and start. I will do my best to get at least 2-5 blogs out a week.

So there you go...there is the first one! I might even do one more tonight!!